When a patient attend a doctor with a complaint, the things that the patient actually complains of are called 'symptoms' If the doctor, on examining the patient, should find any abnormalities, then these are called 'signs'. Many completely different illnesses have similar symptoms. This point is important to bear in mind for it means that one cannot say that a particular illness is characterized by particular symptoms. It is just as likely that these symptoms could occur in other condition. In the followind account of various types of cancer the fact that a person may have the sympoms described does not,in any way ,mean that he or she is suffering from that condition. sometimes it is suggested that the person suffering from certain symptoms should seek medical advice. This does not mean a definite or even probable diagnosis of malignancy, but merely that measures should be taken to investigate them more fully.
If a doctor studies a large number of patients suffering from a particular disorder he may find certain trends. The majority of patients would obey such a trend, and a minority would prove the exception. For instance the majority of cancer patients are elderly or middle-aged.
This is the trend the one dicovers on examining the revourds of a large number of patients suffering from various forms of cancer. However, there are many cancer patients who are young and , in fact , certain types of disease occur only in childhood. The trends discovered by examinnation of a large number of patients and not to a particular individual . As an example cancer of the neck of the womb is more common in those women who haveborne many children;but this condition does occur also in women who have had no children. Statistical trends, then, must be looked at in perpective.
An account of the symptoms and signs of some of the diffrent types of cancer follows.

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