Signs of Cancer in Children

Early recognition of any disease by identifying its signs not only helps in diagnosis of that disease but also its timely management and cure. Children should be watched for any abnormality regarding their health starting from a slight fever to severe diarrhea because these can be the signs of cancer in children. Diseases such as cancers always have some significant signs which if identified and evaluated on time, can help treat such fatal diseases.

By definition cancer is defined as an abnormal growth of cells. As it is an abnormal growth of cells so it can be stated that the factors affecting this abnormal growth are not part of the normal body mechanisms, and their growth is uncontrollable. Many factors interact together to contribute towards the cause of cancer. These factors involved may be genetic, environmental or particular characteristics of the individual.

One of the basic characteristic feature of cancer cells is that their growth is uncontrolled and it involves the invasion of the surrounding counterpart which is at times quick and during this invasion they cause organ and bony destruction and during all these destructive processes, they weaken the body`s defense mechanism. Human body has a well developed defense mechanism which functions under some regulations. The human immune system (system which combats all types of illnesses and diseases and helps body to get rid of all the foreign harmful agents) is greatly damaged if there is any kind of cancerous growth in the body. The human body`s defense mechanism becomes weak so the cancer patients are more likely to develop other diseases too.

Cancer is rare in children but still it is one of the commonest causes of death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in children, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer in children.
There are many types of cancer but those common in childhood are named as:
1. Leukemia
2. Lymphoma
3. Brain cancer
4. Osteosarcoma

A child should be observed for any sudden, persistent changes in health or behavior or any physical change ranging from a small area of rash to a prominent lump anywhere in the body. Following are few signs and symptoms of development of a cancer:

A continued and unexplainable weight loss is always an indication of weakening of body`s defense mechanism. The cause should be ruled out immediately. This is one of the commonest sign of cancer development.

Persistent pain in bones, joints, back, arms or legs is also alarming. There may be increased swelling too.

Headache occurs due to improper blood supply to brain which may be due to any obstruction or some disturbed body mechanism. Persistent headache especially early in the morning, with no apparent cause is a sign of brain cancer. The factors which aggravate the pain and which relief the pain are of importance.

A lump is like an oval or round growth which may be hard or soft, may be painless or painful. If a lump or a mass appears on any part of the body such as abdomen, neck, chest, pelvis or armpits, it should be immediately evaluated by the doctor.

Children which bleed easily and Bruising is bluish discoloration of skin due to accumulation of blood under the skin.

Any abnormality or a mass present in or near the brain may cause compression of the adjacent organs such as eyes and it may also intrude the blood supply to eyes which may cause vision changes. The eyesight changes are gradual or may occur suddenly. Whitish color may appear behind the pupil.

Early morning vomiting and feeling of nausea is an important sign.

Fever of unknown cause which is recurrent and persistent should always be evaluated.

Unusual tiredness and paleness of the body is another sign.

Cancer patients are more likely to get infected as compared to others as their immune system is down.

In general, one should realize the degree of symptoms, how harmful they are, how long they are lasting, and if they are continuing to get worse over time.
One should not think that his child has cancer every time that he has a fever, there may be other infections responsible for it. But if the fever is lasting more than 2 weeks, then a doctor should be immediately consulted.

A pediatric oncologist who is a doctor specialized in treatment of cancer always plans to cater to the needs of a cancer patient child. The treatment of cancer is always dependent on the type, extent level of the cancer and the specific features of the affected cells. Overall health of the child and symptoms of the disease and the age are also to be considered. Cancer treatment in children can include bone marrow transplant, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and may include surgery.

As recently as the 1950s, a diagnosis of cancer was a virtual death sentence for a child. Today, 8 out of 10 children diagnosed with cancer can be successfully treated. A major reason for this success is the early recognition of a developing state of cancer and the agile response of the concerned parents and their pediatrician.

Parents must observe the physical changes in children, because they are difficult to express what happened to them and not even a single minor abnormality should not left unnoticed. A quick diagnosis greatly enhances the chance that the child will survive cancer to live a long life. Always take your children to their scheduled well baby check-ups. Between medical check-ups any unusual signs or symptoms (nausea, swelling, double vision, stumbling, nosebleeds, drowsiness, listlessness, difficulty in breathing, etc.) for which there are no apparent causes should be investigated.

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